Tuwanek Dive Site Profile


Tuwanek is located on the Eastern shore of Sechelt Inlet. It's a 2.5 hour journey from the Vancouver city centre.

To get there, take the Langdale ferry from Horseshoe Bay, (Note that a tank declaration form  -Dangerous Goods-  must be completed at the front gate before entering the waiting area.) The dive site is a 10 minute drive North of Sechelt.

The dive site is located in a residential neighbourhood. There's parking for 3 vehicles, a porta- potty  on site and a picnic table on the beach. Gear up, take a few steps and you're in the water. Shore diving here is easy.


Map to Tuwanek


There are two nearby islands that offer different dive profiles. The island to the North (pictured above) is one of the 3 Lamb Islets. There's a rocky drop off on the Western side of the island, with large boulders strewn around the bottom. There's a variety of invertebrates and fish species, wolf eels, octopus, seals and lots more.

The Southern island, pictured to the left, offers a deeper dive.


Two-tank day trips to Tuwanek are priced $100 higher than Howe Sound trips, to cover the ferry costs.